Tuesday, December 27, 2005

certainly said

there has always been a meaning in the absolute uncertainty of matters...

the matters are not real
the matters are not real
the matters are not real

the meaning can be but the uncertainty is living... whatever lives can also be real but you cannot be absolutely sure... but absolute is again an unachievable extreme (and its meaning changed 3 times during my writing of the sentence)... meaning cannot be real either as it could mean something else to you... and you'd leave if you had your means... by every mean possible... and talking of possibilities how about if I dont want to limit possibilities... I increase my means all of a sudden by saying that... while the absolute uncertainty remains unachieved and achieved at the same time... as only that can be completely achieved, which ends...therefore absolute uncertainty is inversely propotional to life... because any form of space (time, measurement etc) or continuity (such as life) only ends individually but collectively they're continuous... even though both have conditions of continuity... it has to have forms that shape it... like flowers, butterflies, hair, man etc... absolute uncertainty can only be present through that form of continuity... and from the behavioral patterns of those continuous momentums, uncertainty is generated... the life keeps changing course, changes the patterns, changes the momentums, uncertainty grows... but growth doesn't guarantee absolution... its the loss of control that guarantees the absolute uncertainty... and the mere fact that we cannot come to a conclusion with this essay are the first potential steps taking us towards absolute uncertainty...

the rest in some other shift or phase... on some other certain space or frame...



some leaves that had fallen
were picked on my way
some bands were too full
to hide them away...

i tucked you aside
under the rug... and
placed this vase
as a false display
of items

and other random thoughts
of placing and other
usual: markets on shore...
with crying people
and i
by them

stood brushing
the shrub
and making the fall
into raining false ceilings
and all

came down at once
as a stir... and All too sir!
in the spur:
of the moment.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Prayer in the Belly of a Whale

When the drew the lots, the name of Jonah appeared, so they did not want to to throw him as they knew of his piety. They repeated the draw, and his name was again drawn the second time. He was to be thrown into the sea, as it was already dcreed for him.

Allah said: "And Jonah was also one of the Messengers, when he fled to the laden ship. He (agreed to) cast lots and he was of the losers. Then the whale swallowed him, and he was blameworthy." (37:139-142)

When the lot was drawn in his name, he was thrown in the sea. Then Allah sent a huge whale that swallowed him. This whale was not alowed by the Command of Allah to eat his flesh or crack his bones, beacause he was not its provision. When Jonah felt settled down in the belly of the whale, he thought he was dead. He pinched his body and tried to move around, and so he discovered that he was not dead, he was alive. So he fell in prostration, and said: "O my Lord! I have made a place of prayer, where no body else has ever worshipped You."

Allah made that whale go around in depth of the sea. He (Jonah) heard the glorifying acts of the whale for Allah therein, and even he heard the pebbles glorifying Allah.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

about a girl

...i've met this interesting female lately... or rather discovered...

(and just these 2 lines would have raised a lot of eye-brows... and smiles... and 'not again' sighs in the audience)

...but I'll go on and describe as far as I've known her... she's round-about my age... belongs to a completely different world nonetheless... and all the conversations we've had uptil now... I've not come to any definite conclusions about the character yet except for that, that she made me stop and think of what she said or did a number of times... as in the other cases of the women I've liked... ladies and gentlemen of the jury (as Nabokov would say in Lolita) this case differs on a number of levels... it starts to differ right from the mezzanine level I should say... but I'll shed some light on the levels that have a direct access to the building that I live in...

1. she's a thinker... and is mostly quiet... when a lot of people usually carry the same point of view about me.... so all the conversations we've had were initiated by me and eveybody knows how boring that can get after a while... specially when I try to pull jokes that only ali alam understands...

2. she's a good observer and is a sensitive person... hence she writes well... like I try to write but not quite like her... her writings are more down to earth... even though she doesn't write fiction but the way she describes her own life in writing is remarkable... she's a natural and you see more realism when it comes to that.... and I'm not talking about a person who makes up anything or has any huge theories or ideologies about life... she' s simply writing about herself... and thats it!

3. she's definitely a fighter... by the experiences she's had in life... and how she's fought for where she is today and how she struggles everyday...

1.b.. let me explain the extent of her silence yet again... her silence expands beyond herself... and fills up rooms and slides under the doors like smoke to fill up the corridors and out of the windows... then there are fire alarms and sprinklers showering everything under... and when she speaks, the atmospheric pressure her silence created, has a reverse effect and she attracts everything towards her... she always has this magnetic field around her... but only metals respond...

4. she's failed a number of times in her life... and that makes her even stronger everytime she gets back on the ascending staircase...

...thats about her and the search is on...until next time friends and lovers... live in peace... m.

p.s. I also have to write about a dream that I had last night... I just remembered when I wrote about her ever ascending staircase... its about a ladder that I need to take to get to a restaurant... and I ask a black guy in suit to lead me...

Sunday, December 04, 2005


the upcoming titles are:

1. New Place:

The night it rained in my room.
Consequences of my name being changed to Ajay (Uncle Prem's nephew).
"Of course Ajay-ay... hi! I'm Rinku..." says Rinku the elder daughter, who's actually the twin to the other sister.
Kookoo the kid who pees everywhere but there! Reminds me of the Quentin Tarantino joke in 'Desperado'

2. Vincent Vangenechten:

The pool contractor who showed me his grey socks to identify himself correctly. The Bulging Belgian who has a thing for all wom-unkind.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

last post = washing lines

the last post
was actually an earlier work
that i was mentioning to
mariam suhail aka art kee aulad
and it relates to a concept
that i've started working on

open to comments

[ali.alam.3 and ali.alam.4 are in the pipeline but I think the intro was just enough... waiting for the drive...]

washing lines

I need to wash this shirt
she gave me
on my 21st excited

she wore it for a day
to slave me
when both of us
made love inside it...

I need to do some
specific laundry...
take it off and her
from my mind...

lying naked wet and folded
bleeding on a washing-line

luna ticks or tuna licks

Luna ticks

the haze the fog the clouds are all travellers [ ]

they appear disappear and re-appear [ ]
like the seasoning flowers... [ ]

the spheres maybe hidden behind bars [ ]
just remember and live by the hours [ ]

Important Note :

Please tick the boxes against the positions applied for. Only use Blue ink and 2 boxes are allowed per person. There will be a lucky draw so no instruction is a confirmation of your winning. The Tuna Licks Association reserves every right to disqualify any contestant without any reason. So be sharp as your chances are slim.


Read between the lines.