Sunday, December 25, 2005

Prayer in the Belly of a Whale

When the drew the lots, the name of Jonah appeared, so they did not want to to throw him as they knew of his piety. They repeated the draw, and his name was again drawn the second time. He was to be thrown into the sea, as it was already dcreed for him.

Allah said: "And Jonah was also one of the Messengers, when he fled to the laden ship. He (agreed to) cast lots and he was of the losers. Then the whale swallowed him, and he was blameworthy." (37:139-142)

When the lot was drawn in his name, he was thrown in the sea. Then Allah sent a huge whale that swallowed him. This whale was not alowed by the Command of Allah to eat his flesh or crack his bones, beacause he was not its provision. When Jonah felt settled down in the belly of the whale, he thought he was dead. He pinched his body and tried to move around, and so he discovered that he was not dead, he was alive. So he fell in prostration, and said: "O my Lord! I have made a place of prayer, where no body else has ever worshipped You."

Allah made that whale go around in depth of the sea. He (Jonah) heard the glorifying acts of the whale for Allah therein, and even he heard the pebbles glorifying Allah.